Say that it shines.
Probably, we have used the adjective "brightness" such at the time.
The word of "shining" is used when carrying out a smiling face which shines when green trees shine, and energy which a life has truly before its eyes.
When feeling radiation of energy.
For example, reflection of the light of the sun, a star, and the moon may be the most intelligible.
Moreover, brightness is not only the phenomenon of a nature but in us the human beings.
I feel that it is connected with the smiling face for it to a wonderful thing.
"Brightness" will be felt when seeing the smiling face when satisfying a baby's smiling face and a child's smiling face something when finishing.
When it has truly fortunate us innocently when it laughs from the bottom of its heart and being suited, and it is peace.
Even if it is in war fire, momentary peace and a smiling face will be produced and many flowers will bloom.
I want you to be brightness in true peace I praying.
It is a sad thing that peace is taken from this world by the partial power.
Although always considered, what is it truly for a one man and one country existing on this earth that arms are required why?
In man's history, there is no time when it was no-war about.
I think what the brightness which man has, and this cruelty mean.
Does the world of light and darkness remain as human beings' homework with the mystery which cannot be explained?
It will think [ while considering the thing of the big accident which happened at the beginning of consecutive holidays and various accidents which continued in the back, ], considering the thing of war of Iraq which still continues, and Afghanistan.
Brightness of the smiling face which people and a man exchange tears the wall of the partition in the heart of people and a man.
When opening the heart and gazing at a partner, a smiling face which shines also with my face or your face is surely appearing.
A smiling face is the present which was heartfelt truly although it was modest.
Moreover, this present is kind also to our wallet.
Isn't this in a "miracle"?
A smile relaxes today!
I will make "peace" in the world truly!
Give a child a tight hug
The advertisement of TV which tells the message latest "give a tight hug and raise a child" is seen these days. The abuse incident to a child and the reality in which the crimes for a child are occurring frequently are considered, and it is told. There is a thought which is said whether human society came so far and which cannot be carried through.
At the home, it must have been a natural thing that parents bear and bring up a child, and it must have been a natural thing in society that everyone protects and brings up a child unconditionally. Why must it appeal to a thing by saying, "Give a child a tight hug" specially? It is just a problem.
Whatever those who is called a child, it is lovely. Man's child is also lovely and the child of an animal is also lovely. I think that it is the natural figure of the human being who escaped from the age of a child to regard it as it protecting. Therefore, although it is very mean acts to foresee a child's weakness and to consider it as a criminal object and to consider it as the object of temporary feeling, the society which allows it is very sad. It cannot but say from the bottom of its heart and "do more seriously." .
Even if it sees daily NEWS and hears it, there are many some incidents of the deed which is not right as for man. Now, the heart of us who are alive into this society is collapsing, and seems to break to me. Of course, although everybody cannot be so, I feel that it is collapsing gradually.
What was taught to us, and, probably, we have studied and gained it. Since we had experienced, what did we choose? We are "whether our selection was right". Has it asked ourselves? Isn't it slightly sad if the result of the right selection is in such a situation?
It is natural to give a child a tight hug, and natural one holds out a hand to people with various handicaps. Not seeing, not knowing, and not thinking will stop after this. I think that every person has to know more whether it is that what is important, and it must try to know.
As a one adult, don't become a foolish person and don't bring up a foolish child. Even if it makes a mistake, do not only consider winning straight victories in study or taking an examination. Even if it does not get used to a so splendid human being, I want to be an honest human being. I think that I want every person to think so.
It just wishes that the world where the advertisement said "please give a child a tight hug" and does not flow comes. Yes, don't you consider?
It is Children's Day today. Small friends wish I want you to be fortunate in the place in which he is present now, respectively. That there are also many children in environment far from happiness wishes the blessing of friends small first of all, although known.
We have to learn and exceed the cruelty as an atomic portion which man has. Because children are looking at such adults.
notes -- the cruelty as a primitive portion .
W. James "psychology The 24th volume "star of 10 billion, and life of 100 billion"" .
Carl Edward Sagan Chapter 3 .
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