Feeling relieved
Recently, since he was busy, the body feels languid somehow.The state as it is still continues. It cannot relax to from the bottom of its heart.It is not understood when it can relax. It has come to think negatively. When saying so, was it written that the character that he is busy abolished the heart? Very well! To be sure, since the inside of the world feels busy, it is busy also on the individual level. And the world is hard-pressed somehow and argument has occurred for reasons of trifles. What kind of thing is it that he is busy? Is it the result of making labor of man too heavy and trying to squeeze out as much as possible from the world for some of someone's economic profits? Although it is not called all or all, it is also considered that there is such danger and there is nothing that there is nothing. It is because considering that oil is in the global warming and the generating factor of Middle East War which became the present problem etc. man and nature are considered to be troubled by too much exploitation. A Biblical beautiful word is remembered as association of this. "Plant seeds in your land for six years, and take a product. However, he must be excused from it in 7th and it must be considered as fallow ground. It is good, although your people's poor person eats and the beast of a field is made to eat the remainder. ""You have to perform your work during the 6th and have to stop leaf work on the 7th. It is for your cow and donkey to rest and for a female slave's child and temporary resident to recover energy. " - appearance of Egyp 23-10, 11, 12 - As regulation of rest, this considers it as a command and is described.Even not only man but the ground and an animal are considered. I will think that the rotating rest will probably be long in coming however for all persons. The scream of the natures with which now was tired, or human beings is likely to be heard. the tropical rain forests and the cause that the circle was made into だま for the sea bird which became dirty to oil, the sea, the pollution represented in Minamata, and felling -- collapse of the glacier of an unknown whale, needed extensive death, and a polar zone etc. . It is a lot. I think what becomes. In NEWS of today's TV, the Chinese pollution problem was taken up at last. Thought whether to have come still more carries out. The thing of only that is done as a factory in the world. It is unthinkable to say that pollution does not come out. Even if regulated how much under political organization, for whether to be direct and changing people, it must be serious. Becoming future severer is expected. Also in the sea and empty, Japan is connected immediately in near. Within now, I would like you to put power into a help somehow as a senior of a pollution problem. Naturally we must not receive anything. Now, there is a thing with cheap clothing and food regarded as not too cheap. Although it is glad, because the reverse side of the thing which separated from too much price competition and reasonable price surely has labor of man and exploitation of a nature. Anything, by not being too much, if it is proper supply, I will regard man and a nature as the ability to make a living more in the feeling which felt relieved. What do you think? We may be so convenient, there may not be, do not need to hurry so much, and think that we may think if it is not necessary to carry out a stiff-price competition so much. Since he has noticed that it is sometimes more important than it.
It has become in June.
Hello. It is a long time. While passing busy days, it has become in June. It becomes cloudy, and it is a pattern and is leaden. Although it was watching soccer games and was a game with Bahrain at yesterday's midnight, my head may not be felt refreshed, either, because it was late night. Well, since Japan won, the game was better. But although it was a reason for having kept one point which scored in the second half of the first half of the game, and were able to win, it thought that there was a chance to raise another point also during second half of the game several times, but the effective path regretted that it could not go and score to the front. Since it is unreserved watching TV games without getting to know the condition of the players who are playing there well, it allows and is that. However, it is glad to have been connected with this game of the World Cup performed in Germany. It is gratitude as well as a player at the people of the supporter which flew even there.
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> Square Home | スクエアホーム : タブレット向け設定 先に結論 タブレットモードの設定解除を繰り返すとレイアウトが滅茶苦茶になる。 タブレットモードを設定しないで利用すること。 > タブレットで使おうとすると、画面向きへの対応が問題になる。タブレットは目...
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2015年夏クルマ探し(3)コンパクトSUVの要件と基準 新しく車を買い替える前提で探し始めた。6月7月8月と足掛け3か月。きっかけは、古い車は税金も高くなってくること。悪い政治行政の犠牲者みたいな話だ。加えて、そろそろあちこち草臥れてきただろうと。それと、たまに道草し...
> Square Home | スクエアホーム : タブレット向け設定 先に結論 タブレットモードの設定解除を繰り返すとレイアウトが滅茶苦茶になる。 タブレットモードを設定しないで利用すること。 > タブレットで使おうとすると、画面向きへの対応が問題になる。タブレットは目...
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本物?偽物? 食品スーパーに並んでいたものを買って食べたらこれが、 超不味い!。 ぐぐ~っ。2つ目も同じ味。本当にフルーツいちねんのものかどうか怪しい。 4個入りのパッケージに記載のものはフルーツいちねんのものだが、この味は日本のものかどうかさえ怪しい。もしかすると中国辺りの...
ブログサービス「Medium」 Medium https://medium.com/ ツイッター創業者が始めたブログサービスと言うことで話題。ベンチャーキャピタルが2500万ドル(25億円)出資。 ブログサービスは実に多く提供されている。グーグルブロ...
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